阳朔网 - 景点景区 http://www.yangshuo.net/22-base.html Fri, 10 May 2024 20:52:35 +0000 Joomla! - Open Source Content Management zh-cn Yangshuo Shopping http://www.yangshuo.net/22-base/66-yangshuo-shopping.html http://www.yangshuo.net/22-base/66-yangshuo-shopping.html When visiting Yangshuo, please don't miss its local specialties. Due to the pleasant climate, the county is rich in many fruits, among which the most representative are the Shatian Shaddocks, the kumquats and the Chinese chestnuts. The dried persimmons, the ginger candies, the osmanthus flowers, and the 'Three Treasures' (Guilin sanhua alcohol, Guilin fermented bean curd and Guilin chili sauce) are also worth purchasing. Most of these products can be found in the special local product supermarkets where you can even bargain with the owners. In Yangshuo, there are many such markets, especially in West Street, so it's easy for travelers to find them.

Local people are clever with their hands. Their exact and exquisite handicrafts are popular among all tourists. The painted fans, the embroidered balls, and the bamboo walking sticks, are much favored by foreign visitors. Another unique and traditional tourist souvenir is the Culture Shirt (Wenhua Shan). It is a cotton T-shirt on which are painted beautiful Yangshuo scenery or you can have your favorite phrase written in either English or in Chinese.

You can get these souvenirs near all the tourist spots and at the street stalls. We highly recommend you visit West Street, where most people speak English fluently and the goods are named in both English and Chinese. Along West Street there are over one hundred stalls selling various tourist souvenirs, including not only the items mentioned above, but also antiques, ornaments, as well as Chinese calligraphy and Chinese paintings. Additionally, there are many special stores selling silk, linen and wax painted cloths, where you can have a suit made to order according to your size.

Tips: Remember to drive a bargain when buying items on the streets.

Yangshuo is just a small county, so you won't find world-famous supermarkets there. But there are several smaller scale supermarkets that can be recommend for their good quality and reasonable prices.

'Ninety-nine' Supermarket
Address: in the 'City in City' leisure center in Diecui Road (the main store)
the shop front of Pingfeng Hotel in Pantao Road (the first branch store)
the shop front of New West Street Hotel in Pantao Road (the second branch store)

Lele Lai Supermarket
Address: where Diecui Road and Chengzhong Road meet.

阳朔网 Tue, 06 Oct 2015 07:48:15 +0000
建设中网页 http://www.yangshuo.net/22-base/64-blank.html http://www.yangshuo.net/22-base/64-blank.html 阳朔网 Sun, 04 Oct 2015 03:18:54 +0000 网站宣传业务 http://www.yangshuo.net/info-of-yangshuo/advertisements-on-us.html http://www.yangshuo.net/info-of-yangshuo/advertisements-on-us.html 阳朔作为中国旅游的一颗璀璨明珠,到阳朔旅游的国内外游客络绎不绝,从而促使了本地餐饮、住宿、交通等行业的发展。与此同时,阳朔本土特产也逐步被海内外游客亲睐。阳朔网针对餐饮、住宿以及各乡镇开设专版,网站发展初期,所有广告均以半租半赠方式优惠给广大支持我们的业主朋友。我们也希望阳朔网能成为业主朋友扩展业务和知名度的另一个优秀平台。



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阳朔网 Sun, 04 Oct 2015 02:14:30 +0000
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阳朔网 Thu, 17 Sep 2015 01:09:05 +0000
阳朔景区 http://www.yangshuo.net/22-base/57-scenic-spot-of-yangshuo.html http://www.yangshuo.net/22-base/57-scenic-spot-of-yangshuo.html 阳朔    在阳朔,百里山川,处处奇山秀水。阳朔的水清澈透明,绿水悠悠,如情似梦,唐代著名文学家韩愈形容为“江作青罗带,山如碧玉簪”。阳朔的漓江山水绵延一百多公里,山光水色是漓江风光最精萃的部分。境内有世界奇观的莲花岩、壮族歌仙刘三姐抛绣球定情的千年古榕、国内外游客叹为观止的月洞奇观、被誉为“小漓江”之称的遇龙河等。


阳朔网 Wed, 09 Sep 2015 08:52:42 +0000
美食总汇 http://www.yangshuo.net/meishijie.html http://www.yangshuo.net/meishijie.html 漓江啤酒鱼




阳朔网 Sun, 06 Sep 2015 14:20:54 +0000
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阳朔网 Tue, 01 Sep 2015 08:47:40 +0000
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